Wednesday, 17 July 2013

First running week for the children

"It has now been one week since I decided to take on the challenge of running in the Angkor Wat half marathon for the Green Gecko charity. When deciding to do this I knew it was going to be extremely tough, but hopefully life changing for the children and for me also." 

I hadn't envisaged how tough this was going to be though, the distance is one thing I was expecting to challenge me, but the heat is well that is just cruel! After, only a few meters you can feel the heat sapping your energy, you start to sweat losing valuable body fluids and you have only just begun I feel this will simply be my biggest ever challenge and one I hope I can manage.

My first run on Wednesday morning 2.8km time 22:51 minutes was a little soul destroying and the realization if I needed one how dedicated I need to be to do this. I had to stop numerous times gasping for breath and water. 

My latest run was much better running 4.14km in just 28 minutes I can already see progress from following a regime of running 5 days out of 7 to increase my stamina and speed slowly!

So seven days in, I can safely say this is not going to be an enjoyable event to train for and my motivation is solely for the Green Gecko's, knowing what they have been through makes my complaining seem irrelevant and nonsense. Helping their lives a little will make this all worthwhile. 

Just a few dollars make such a difference, $12 buys a child some much needed and will be very much loved shoes - without shoes they are not allowed to go school. $12 is what many will spend on a few drinks. But to the children this money will mean comfy footwear and education.

$20 will buy a Gecko family some eggs and chickens; this will enable them to eat healthily, but also the ability to sell the chickens and begin to support themselves for the future. $20 is less than what you would spend on a family meal at KFC, but to the Gecko's it will be chicken dinners for the future not just one snack.

The Exotic Voyages team, have been doing what they can to support me, with lots of vocal support and most importantly lots of extra food! I hadn't realised how much was required to eat and luckily the team have taken this as part of their mission to help out. I am now fully stocked with bananas and other daily fresh fruit and every lunch is being handpicked to ensure I can eat enough. Let's hope it continues, as weight is something I cannot afford to lose.

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